The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) has launched its Guidelines on combating sexual violence and its consequences in Africa in November.

The Mukwege Foundation has contributed to the development of the document and provided input, together with FIDH and the South African NGO Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR).

The guidelines cover the legal framework and the obligations of states, measures to protect and support victims, as well as steps states should take to prosecute the crimes and provide reparations.

The Mukwege Foundation particularly stressed the need for holistic support for victims, access to reparations and the commitment of governments to stop and prevent sexual violence and support survivors.

Dr Denis Mukwege and the team at Panzi Hospital in Eastern Congo have almost 20 years of experience in treating victims and fighting wartime sexual violence through advocacy and awareness raising. More than 48,000 victims of sexual violence have received quality health care through a holistic approach, including medical, psychological, legal and socio-economic support.

The Mukwege Foundation works to promote the model in other conflict-affected countries and works with governments to strengthen their response to the violence.

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